What we see and what we think we see are not always the same thing, although a lot of the time it really does not matter. You might see what you think is a broken table in someone's garden, but what it might really be is a temporary slide for the owner's children. You might argue that it is still a table - but how many table's do you know with two legs that sit in the garden and children slide down it? It could be made into a table again, but the inability to see it as an object with many potential uses is your own block on your own perceptions - how can you ever create something new if everything you see is already categorized?
The table-slide issue seems irrelevant, and yet we use exactly the same process in people - or at least we allow politicians and journalists to use the same process on us, blinding us to any alternative view. You do not believe me - go read some forums on different subjects and see how other people perceive humans by categorising them as Black, Jews, White, islamic, Buddhists, and how they speak about them. As a White Roman Catholic Man in Poland i should be equal to the average Pole, one might think, but I am not because most people only see me as Foreign, and I am treated as such whatever the legal position might be. Imagine then if I were not White Roman Catholic Man, but Black Jewish Woman?
If you see people by category first instead of Human first, then you are part of the problem, unwittingly you are removing these people of some of their most basic of Human rights, their right to their own identity.
When you see people as Humans, such concepts as 'mixed marriages' no longer have any meaning as what can you mix in the Human race Is the intention to deliberately breed humans so that they are no more than cats, dogs or farm animals, each variation proud to be that variation?
If you feel a need to be proud, be proud of the good achievements of individual Humans, just don't classify these Humans by the nations they happen to belong to. You do not have to love everyone around you, just make sure it is you who makes the decision on what Humans you love or hate, don't hate a Nation just because they have members who believe in hateful actions, for they do not all believe in such things, just as you do not believe in all the hateful things members of your own society engage in.
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