Monday, September 15, 2008

057: Hip Cat Walk

Hip Cat Walk, originally uploaded by gingerpig2000.

sixties psychedelic visions...

It is surprising what one can do with an old dressing gown and sweatshirt, they can be almost anything one wants them to be - with the help of a few things from my wife's wardrobe. Twiggy walks the cat walk again! I was a bit short of time for post-processing of this image, especially as i had to figure out a number of methodologies to achieve the desired effect.

Today's question is: if you are a painter then you are allowed to paint what you like, in any way you like, effectively, without any real attention being paid to the actual props. For a photographer the situation is different, as despite actually achieving acceptance an art, the image is still treated as being real life. Whatever you photograph is held up more strongly to some concept of public morals, and used as 'evidence of truth'. This amounts to a censorship of art, a restriction on the work of photographers.

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