Sunday, September 28, 2008

069: Rocker

Rocker, originally uploaded by gingerpig2000.

Attention Whores

Anyone can be a star in their own bathroom, but I wanted to experiment with the concept. Forget the air guitar, let's make us a guitar and then some noise! Everything was just lying around at home, just waiting, and some of it has appeared before in other guises. If you want, you can have a front row seat, I'll be signing autographs at the end of the show.

When you buy things, like clothes or ornaments, try an avoid things that have a single use, it either ends up gathering dust in your wardrobe or on that shelf. Shelves are the ultimate death for objects - once there they lose any function other than as three-dimensional wallpaper. Finding your art means getting involved in your life, and that means getting better acquainted with all those objects that you surround yourself with. Remember, if you buy something because you think it makes you look cooler in others eyes, give it to them because it is not you.

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